Welcome To XEQUALS

As I proudly welcome you to the new XEQUALS, I want you to take a moment to think about your passion, your creative spark, your inner light that drives you to create, and pair that with the unique perspective that already exists within you. “As we get more technically driven, the importance of people becomes […]

How To Pinpoint What You Suck At

There are only 2 directions a creative is ever moving in: forward or backward. There is no in between. You suck at at least one thing or another (everybody does!). If you want to elevate your photography, you have to strengthen areas of weakness. But identifying our shortcomings can be difficult. Especially if you don’t […]

Cropping and Aspect Ratio – Seeing the Bigger Picture

New Toys, Same Aspect Ratio Problems Many families have a running joke about someone in the family who always cuts off heads when they take photos of people. I guess that the photographer did not cut off the heads, but instead there were other causes, such as parallax or aspect ratio issues. Parallax comes into […]

Using High Speed Sync For Perfect Outdoor Portraits

As we’ve previously mentioned, shutter speed doesn’t make a world of difference when it comes to motion blur in your photography (the kids still won’t sit still!). That comes down to flash duration and how it will sync with the speed of your camera. But there is more to the story … Let’s You And […]